Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sex before stressful events keeps you calm

Interesting study. ;-)

Until later~

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mrs. Giggles' Hero Don'ts

LOL Mel passed this along to me. It does have a few points, I have to admit.

Be warned, her style is rather blunt and graphic.

My favorite is her point on the hero not experiencing premature takeoff after lusting after the heroine to the point he'll die if he doesn't get her. I've thought about that before when it's not happened in a book.

May the muses have larger than life heroes

Friday, January 20, 2006

To follow Lany’s entry about reviews~

I’ve been reading romance since I was a senor in high school and my lit teacher gave me Shanna. And not one time have I ever bought a book based on a review. Not once! If I like the premise of a story, I buy it. If I like the excerpt, I buy it.

Reviews are opinions. Someone’s take on a story. I’ve always preferred to discover what I think of a book, movie, or whatever for myself.

From what I’ve noted from the blog entries and more- I think reviewers should only review genres they like to read. I will never review a true crime story.

Also, I think ANY review should be constructive and considerate. That horrid WOLF TALES review on Amazon was an assault on many readers likes.

For those who need a lesson, I took an expository writing class last year that taught us to do reviews. I wanted to be able to give a professional review if ever necessary.

Open with the title, author and bit about the author. Is the author branching out with this story? Is she a debut author?
Give a summery of the plot. Include sexual content.
Close with your “own” opinion of the story, writing, etc. Did you like it? Does the author have potential?

You can apply this format to anything. Movies. The theater. A soundtrack.

Also, it’s recommended to come up with a story tag for the story, so the author can quote it.

I recently read KEY OF SEA by Mary Stella. I didn’t do a complete review. You all can make up your own minds. But, I did a story tag.

KEY OF SEA by Mary Stella
A sweet romance and very good.

If you’re interested in escaping with a younger man…check out KOS at

Until later~

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Did you know?

Edgar Alan Poe's birthday is being celebrated this weekend?

Edited to add: I always thought this was the neatest thing. I've been waiting for this story to appear: He comes every year to Poe's gravesite and leaves a rose and cognac.

May the muses have poetry

Monday, January 16, 2006


So Angie W posted on Romancing the Blog about reviews. It was an interesting column and provoked tons of responses and blog entries.

It's hard not to take a negative review personally. But I do think as an author, I do need to. I know it's my baby, but not everyone is going to love it. Hopefully some will :) and that's what I need to take to heart.

Karen S. and Mary Janice Davidson got into an exchange over the RTB that left me laughing. They are both very irreverant. MJD's post of talking to her editor really had me chuckling.

Beth Ciotta had a post about fears and perseverence. I love her quote, "My passion is stronger than my fear." I'm putting it somewhere where I write. I also love "Just Do it." Because that's exactly what I need to do. Even if it means sometimes I don't hit my mark the first time. I have to give myself permission to write badly. I can always fix it.

May the muses just do it

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Vote for the best eBook of 2005 contest.

I know we all had ebooks we read and loved this year. Here's your chance to plug them. There are many categories and you can only vote one time. Voting ends January 31st, 2006. Winners will be announced Feb. 14th. If there is a tie, please visit the news page for further instructions on Feb. 1.

May the muses have many favorites

Friday, January 06, 2006

More voting and snoopy dancing

First, I'm so happy Robin Schone and Kensington settled their differences. I'm happy dancing and awaiting a release date. I LOVE Robin Schone. The Lady's Tutor is such a sensual book. Hmm might be time for a reread *grins*.

LOL of course I went from Elloras Cave books to the first Harry Potter book, and now I'm reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. LOL little jump there.

The Preditors & Editors Readers' Poll is ongoing. through January 31st. There are a lot of good books, authors, artists, publishers, and bunches of other stuff nominated. Take a look, make a vote.

May the muses have books that take you to a fantasy world

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Time to vote ~

ROMANTIC TIMES is compiling a list of the best Erotica and Erotic Romances of all time! They'd love our input! Send a list of titles/authors to: The best-of list will appear in the March 2006 issue!

I know Robin Schone & Emma Holly will be on my list! These two ladies have influenced me greatly.

*Gasp* Oh mercy…Robin’s finally settled with Kensington Publishing! OH…we get another wonderfully, sensually erotic romance from her! I can't wait! Check it out!

We’d also enjoy hearing who your very favorite erotica and erotic romance writers are. :-)

Until later~