Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Reasons I enjoyed Dirty by Megan Hart by Lany of Melany Logen

1. The use of first person worked in the story.
2. The writing was raw. It bared all and stripped me bare. As a reader, I love that.
3. Elle, the heroine, is so flawed. Even as I railed at her, "No!" I identified with her. I think nothing beats a character with flaws that you can identify with.
4. The hero, Dan, puts up with a lot of "stuff." He has to be quite a guy. I found myself admiring his actions in the book because he didn't act like I'd expect at times.
5. I didn't guess what had happened until very late in the book. Very few books surprise me with a plot twist.
6. I played the "one more chapter" game for hours reading it.
7. It's not paranormal or suspense, and yet I was sucked in. I wanted to know what would happen.
8. The relationships ring "real." There are no easy fixes in life. Even at the end, Elle still has her issues.
9. It's my first book by Megan Hart. So I've found a new author. That's always exciting.
10. Not everyone is going to love this book. There will be spirited discussions about it. I suggested it for a book club and it's going to be fun to talk about.
11. I see where every sex scene moves the plot along. I can't say that about some books I read, but in this one, each one had it's place in the play. Oddly enough, while they were smoking hot at times, I came away from the book not thinking about that but thinking about Elle and the brutal telling of her story.
12. Elle has a lot of obssessive compulsive traits. But it's not pushed out front or made into a bad thing. I liked that.
13. There are books you read that make you want to be a better writer and push you into writing more intensely. This is one of those books.

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Blogger LA Day said...

I haven't read this yet but now I will!

9:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I haven't read it either, but I'll be checking it out now. Thanks for the heads up. :)

10:00 AM  
Blogger N.J.Walters said...

Haven't read this one, but it sounds great!

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. Will check it out.

11:57 AM  

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