Friday, January 05, 2007

New Year, new projects!

Wow! 2006 was great to us. Melany saw her first release to good reviews! Viking's Pledge was contracted! Two other stories were submitted. *fingers crossed* both are up for review in the near future.

One of the great things about writing for Ellora’s Cave is the publisher doesn’t try to box you into a genre. Torc’s Salvation is a futuristic. Viking’s Pledge a historical. Another great thing is you can write different lengths quite comfortably. TS is a novel plus… as is Law’s Deliverance one of the stories up for review. It’s around 95K! Ingram’s Charm also up for review is a novella. Now, another good thing about Ellora’s Cave is they offer special projects to their authors.

Themed Quickie!

These themed Quickies are nice! Quick! A taste of an author’s voice. Also, they help fill in a backlist for those authors who tend to write long– like us. ;) But, they’re tougher to write. They’re compact. No extra room to maneuver. You have to hit each plot point on the mark. Balance romance, tension, premise, and sex. And do it all within 15K!

Lany and I are working on a June Bride Quickie for EC. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

We’re also working on Kyrand’s Reward. Part three in our Soul Shifter series and another plus novel!

We tend to write two projects a time. A plus novel and a shorter one of some sort. Once the June bride is in…we plan to tackle a special historical novella. I’m very excited about this one! Master’s Claim will be tackled after the new historical. But, I’ve PROMISED Zilar –MC’s hero- to add another scene or two, so I’ll go ahead and do that. *Whispers* if the man keeps his behavior up, I’m going to have to warn Lany...Master’s Claim could rate an EX-treme heat level. The man even makes me gasp!

Until later~


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